Erika Carlock 2022 Resolutions

2022 Resolutions

Erika Carlock 2022 Resolutions

2022 is almost here, and I love planning out my resolutions and setting goals for the New Year. This past year has been a rollercoaster between buying the desert house, living in two places at once, and trying my first hand at doing manual labor on the house renovation. I am learning it all along the way, and I have a feeling 2022 is going to be amazing.

Every year I like to set an overall theme to my goal that is more of a way of living than a literal goal. For this year, my theme is: Be passionate about what you love doing. Focus on what you love, and do it. Don’t listen to anyone else’s judgment or comments. The way things have shaken up in the last few years of the pandemic has made me question everything, and honestly feel weird. I kind of lost myself in all of the chaos of the world and I really want to reset and focus on getting back into my why of doing things, and reigniting passion in my work. Social media has gotten kind of toxic honestly, and everyone is so quick to hate, and in 2022 I’m saying f*ck all of that noise. Do you, don’t worry what anyone else thinks.

2022 Resolutions:

  1. Finish renovating the desert house: This is pretty much the only thing on my mind these days, but we have SO much to do and I am stressin’. I really want to get this house DONE so that we can enjoy it and do all of the fun shoots I’ve dreamed about for so long.
  2. Exercise: I was in such a good exercise routine before buying the house, and now that I’m traveling back and forth all of the time I find myself only exercising when I’m in LA. Trying to make it a priority to find a desert workout plan, or buy a set of weights for the house!
  3. Share more, and more valuable content: One thing I’m not happy about is how little I’ve been posting lately! I used to have a rule of posting daily, and now I’m having a hard time doing that. I really want to get back into the groove of posting frequently, and posting valuable content like how to’s, and fun ideas, and even just posting more in the moment stuff. Again, I want to be inspired again and share the things I’m passionate about.
  4. Less perfection, more productivity: One thing I’ve always struggled with is trying to get everything “perfect”. I’ll obsess over editing a photo or email for waaaay too long, and while working on the house I’ve realized that my perfectionist tendencies are really slowing me down. This year I want to remind myself that progress is much better than perfection.
  5. Find balance: Life and work have serious blurred since Joe and I both work from home now. I would love to get more into a routine where I sign off of my computer at a reasonable hour, and don’t let the lines blur between work and life.
  6. Make time for friends: Another pandemic casualty has been friendships! It’s so easy to not meet up with friends these days, and every new variant makes me disappear again right when social things start to pick up. I want to make friendships a priority in the coming year, and keep happy hours and hangouts alive.
  7. Do offline hobbies: It kind of feels like it’s hard to have hobbies that aren’t digital anymore, right? I would love to add some me time for drawing, journaling, or reading books. I’ve been reading a lot more books in 2021, and that is one offline habit I would love to keep.
  8. Stretch more: Okay, getting older is no joke and I can feel my body changing. Stretching daily, and doing more yoga is a must this year because things are getting creaky.
  9. Less food waste: I’m always trying to be more eco-conscious, and one thing I would love to work on this year is wasting less food. We all know the feeling of spending a ton of money on groceries only to throw away half of it in a week when you got lazy and ordered takeout. This year I want to be more focused on cooking and finishing food in the fridge and skipping the takeout.

Let’s all start the year feeling intentional and reflecting on what is important to us, because if there is anything this weird time has taught me it’s to reevaluate what it valuable to me and my life. Wishing you a happy New Year!

xoxo Erika

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