
Tips for Working From Home

Tips for Working from Home | Erika Carlock

I’ve worked from home for many years, and I think it’s really something you have to find a rhythm with. Working from home can easily let work bleed into life, and while that can be ideal in some ways without boundaries it can be a challenge. Here are a few tips that I’ve learned along the way to help with productivity, and keeping balance between work and life:

1. Get fully ready. This is a big one for me, and I don’t always do it 100% but I definitely can tell a difference when I do. It doesn’t have to be uncomfortable, think chic loungewear! I find that wearing my go-to outfit is a striped tee and comfy jeans or leggings. Simple, but I can hop out for a walk if I need to, and look presentable when the postman drops off those loads of ASOS packages come in. You don’t necessarily have to do full coverage makeup and curl your hair, but a bit of a 5-minute makeup sesh will do you good. While PJ’s and messy hair sound like the ideal WFH uniform, something about being fully dressed and ready makes me feel way more productive. Plus, you don’t want to get caught on a conference video call looking like you rolled out of bed.

2. Wake up an hour before work. While it might sound ideal to roll out of bed and pop open your computer you should set an alarm earlier. Give yourself at least an hour to wake up, make breakfast and get ready for the day. Just because you can work while you eat doesn’t mean you should. Establish a routine and some separation.

3. Take a quick shower. Refresh your day when you can’t focus by hopping in the shower for five minutes. There’s something about water that can really take away any negative feeling you’re having. Whenever I’m feeling a bit off or unproductive, I hop in the shower. It’s like an instant refresh button. You know how good it feels jump into the ocean? It’s kind of like that. A quick and easy reset button on your day!

4. Have a designated workspace. Whether you have a home office or a 600 square foot apartment make sure to have a work zone. It can be your dining table, bar counter or a desk, but do not let it be your bed. Trust me you want a solid desk-like surface or else your neck and back will be hurting. I know a lot of people can work from the couch while they binge watch Game of Thrones, but that’s just not going to be productive for anyone. I set up an office as soon as we moved into our apartment and since it’s my designated work space I get so much more done there with zero distractions. No TV, only Spotify to get me going. I’ll admit sometimes I do work from the dining table or couch with the TV on music videos, but make sure you have clear boundaries of work time and chill time.

5. Clean before work. I cannot get sh*t done in a messy space. I can’t think whatsoever when there’s a pile of clothes on the floor, or a bunch of paperwork on my desk. Work time isn’t the time to clean your house, but you need your space to be tidy in order to function. Your office at work would never have dirty dishes laying around, right? Make sure to tidy your space and make it work-friendly the night or morning before you start work.

6. Play the jams. One of the biggest perks to working from home is the fact that you can play your music, have a mid-day dance party, and set the mood. Make or follow some playlists. My favorite productivity playlists are: 80’s Mercedes, my spring jams, and that summer vibe. Another good way to zone out and get work done are podcasts. If you’re itching to talk to someone or feeling lonely working alone at home a podcast is a good way to curb the isolation and feel like you’re around humans.

7. Plan your day. Make lists, give yourself timeframes, and do your best to stick to them. I find it best to have specific hours for checking/sending emails, doing photoshoots in the best light, and brainstorming content. Typically having 3-5 actionable items to do each day keeps me on track. I also like to have a list of long term projects that I can always check off when I have some extra time. Before I close my laptop each day I make a list for tomorrow so that when I’m waiting for my coffee to kick in I can get an idea of where to start.

8. Have go-to lunches. I tend to find myself forgetting to eat lunch until 2PM and then panicking and ordering takeout. Don’t be like me. The greatest luxury to working from home is that you can make your own lunch, save money, and eat healthy. Take advantage of it! I love to make this southwest chicken bowl recipe. Have a few go-to recipes that you can make quickly.

9. Commit to something later in the day. I find that having a deadline where I have to be somewhere at a certain time can really light a fire under your ass. Commit to a 5 PM workout so that you HAVE to get everything done by that time or, every now and then make happy hour plans. Virtual happy hour for our current quarantine times! I tend to feel guilty for taking off earlier than usual, but I always surprise myself with how much more I can get done earlier if I have to! Plus, a little happy hour break every now and then can really boost your work/life balance.

10. Get out of your house. Don’t coop yourself up all day, remember to take a break and go for a walk around your neighborhood. It can be a peaceful way to refresh your brain before heading back to work. Plus, you might find some inspiration like pretty flowers that will bring life back into your day. I saw these pretty flowers on a walk one day, and I’m so happy I went on a walk that day to find a little magic I wouldn’t have at my desk. I’m a big fan of lunch break workouts to break up the day, or even just heading out to your yard/balcony for a quick book reading.

There are so many perks to working from home. You can listen to your favorite music loudly, cook a fresh meal for yourself, and make a work space that’s entirely your own. But it can be a challenge when you’re left to your own devices, so you just have to make it work for you. I’d love to hear about your challenges from working from home too, leave a note in the comments! xoxo Erika

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