
5 Ways to Decorate on A Budget

Decorating can be EXPENSIVE, and honestly who has the money to keep buying new decor every season or mood change. Over the years I’ve learned some tricky ways to save some moolah, but keep your space looking fresh. These are my 5 ways to decorate without breaking the bank…

1. Buy pretty candles. One of the keys to decorating on a budget is making something you already have a luxe decor item. Think multipurpose when you’re decorating. When I buy candles, I go for a candle that will look really pretty on my tabletop so that I don’t have to do much styling on the surface. I love a good expensive candle, but there are so many pretty candle shops that around under $30 and beautiful. A few faves: Otherland, Paddywax, and Anthropologie.

2. Use books as decor. Another low cost, multipurpose decor item is books. You can snag pretty books at the thrift store, or used on Amazon for $1-5. Tip: Look for books with a pretty colorful binding, or a color theme. I keep only white hardcover books in one of my bookshelves and it’s such a pretty minimal shelf.

3. Move things around: One of my go-to ways to change up my decor is to literally change its location. Move throw pillows from your bedroom to your living room, restyle a stack of books or bookshelf, and rearrange some furniture. Moving things around is a prime way to make things feel brand new without spending a dime.

4. Use pretty storage baskets. Have I mentioned yet how important it is to be multipurpose yet? Hah. If you’re going to spend money on storage already, why not make it beautiful? I love a good storage basket because everyone is so distracted by how pretty it is that they don’t really it’s stuffed with all of the things you’re trying to tuck away and conceal. To find the perfect basket think about the elements you want in your space: rattan, leather, something colorful? Then find a pretty basket that can serve both of those purposes. A few good budget-friendly baskets are this one from IKEA and this one.

5. Add small plants. Plants can feel like an expensive, big commitment, but they don’t have to be. You can buy smaller plants at your local nursery for $5-10 and they will grow into the space. Plus, they’re so cute when they’re small. I recommend getting 3-4 small plants and decorating them near each other for a full look without dropping lots of cash.

What are your favorite ways to decorate on a budget? I’d love to hear your tricks in the comments! xoxo Erika

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