
A Guide To Self Care

It’s so important to unwind from life, and self-care is something I feel like I can never do enough of. I recently bought this bath tray to store a wine glass and my favorite products on in the bath, and it’s been the perfect excuse to take more baths. I find if I do a few self-care things each day that everything else flows much better throughout the day. My perfect self-care day involves some Pinot Noir, a bubble bath, and watching reruns of my favorite show. Sharing a few of my favorite reminders to give yourself a bit more time for yourself below!

The Self-Care Essentials

1. Calming Music. I’m big on guided meditations. I try to give myself 5-10 minutes a day for a guided meditation. It helps me center my thoughts and get better ideas when I give myself that quiet time. I also love playing calming spa music in the background to help ease my mind. Turn on some spa music on YouTube, pour a glass of wine, and set the mood to feel relaxed. Even better: lounge in a robe!

2.  Light candles. Something about lighting a candle burning can make you feel at ease. Every time I light a candle I feel a sense of calm and remember to slow down each time I smell that lovely scent. My current favorite scent is the Diptyque Roses Candle. It literally smells like a rose garden.

3. Do a Mask. Skincare is one of the most self-care things to do! Taking time to do a face mask and body scrub will give back to your skin all week long. Right now I’m loving the Mario Badescu Cucumber Tonic Mask. Do a mask, moisturize, and enjoy your smoothest skin.

4.  Draw a bath. When I actually take bath I’m reminded of what a simple way it is to disconnect and unwind. I always feel like I should take more baths! A relaxing bath is the perfect time to do a face mask, read a book, and have a glass of wine. Draw a bath, toss in some bubbles (I love using lavender soap), and soak up the relaxation.

5. Put Down Your Phone. Our phones are always within an arms reach,  which can be convenient but a bit overwhelming. Put your phone away and try grabbing something screen-less to take up your time, like a book. It always makes me feel better to have something without the distractions of notifications filling my mind.


Do you fall behind at giving yourself “me” time? What sort of self care do you want to get better at?

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