Guest Bedroom Makeover – Final Reveal! (One Room Challenge: Week Eight)

And that’s a wrap! I can’t believe the day is here and that this is really what the guest bedroom looks like now. I keep standing in this room and staring like “is this even real??” When we started the One Room Challenge the walls were super textured blue, the floors were sad gray, and there was a creepy old closet that didn’t even have flooring in it. In the past 8 weeks we gutted the closet, rebuilt it, added new floors, smoothed the walls, painted, and decorated. It was so much work and put my body through the ringer but I’m so happy we did it!


This little room took us on quite a journey these past 8 weeks! We started skim coating the entire room, removed the baseboards, painted the walls, installed flooring, and demoed the closet off the bat. When we started chipping away at the closet demo and rebuild it was a lengthy process that we had to do bits of each week. In between we started to put together the decor and built the side tables. Here’s what the process looked like…

I can’t believe how much it turned out like my vision! Truly amazed that my moodboard came to life. Remember the plan I talked about here? Now I can’t wait to enjoy this space and take a breather for a second.

fringe basket / white vase / hat / abstract vase / pendant light / bedding

Follow me on Instagram @erikacarlock to see more of my house come together!
Don’t miss out! Catch up on my other One Room Challenge Posts:
One Room Challenge: Week One | Guest Bedroom Makeover Plan
One Room Challenge: Week Two | Making a Blank Canvas
One Room Challenge: Week Three | New Flooring
One Room Challenge: Week Four | DIY Limewash Wall
One Room Challenge: Week Five | DIY Travertine Bedside Table
One Room Challenge: Week Six | Decor Details