Our Guest Bedroom Makeover – Closet Makeover (One Room Challenge: Week Seven)

HELLO CLOSET! I’m thrilled that we finished this closet build for week seven of the One Room Challenge. We’ve been chipping away at this project for the past 7 weeks and it feels so good to see the vision come to life. I’m honestly still in awe of the fact that we designed and built this entire closet build ourselves.


We’ve been chipping away at the closet the whole time we’ve been working on the rest of the guest bedroom and the closet was one HUGE project to complete among everything else. We stated off with demo last month which ended up taking two full days of the weekend to complete. Then, some of the drywall had to be patched from ripping it out.

Once we patched the closet we were able to start planning the vision for the space. I knew I wanted a few shelves and a place for clothes. We opted to do half of the closet with a clothes rod to hang clothes and half for storage. Then we decided to do a large storage box along the top to keep extra bedding and pillows.

We got started with cutting the wood and framed the closet, then we were able to start cutting drywall. After cutting a zillion pieces of drywall and attaching them to the wood frame I got started plastering the drywall with joint compound. It was SO much work and my arms and shoulders are sore in every way imaginable but it was so worth it. I love how it turned out and couldn’t wait to start styling the shelves.

Stay tuned for the finale next week! This is my favorite room renovation so far and I can’t wait to share the final product. This room looks SO different than it did 7 weeks ago!
fringe basket / white vase / hat / abstract vase / pendant light / bedding

Follow me on Instagram @erikacarlock to see more of my house come together!
Don’t miss out! Catch up on my other One Room Challenge Posts:
One Room Challenge: Week One | Guest Bedroom Makeover Plan
One Room Challenge: Week Two | Making a Blank Canvas
One Room Challenge: Week Three | New Flooring
One Room Challenge: Week Four | DIY Limewash Wall
One Room Challenge: Week Five | DIY Travertine Bedside Table
One Room Challenge: Week Six | Decor Details