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Budget Exercise Bike Q&A

At the beginning of quarantine back in March I bought this bike and didn’t look back. I’m so glad I did, and thought I’d share all of the details and what I’ve learned while having it! I was looking for something small that would fold up and tuck away, but I could still get a good workout on. After a few months of doing my own HIIT freestyle bike rides I decided to try out some classes on YouTube and then I tried out the Peloton app to take things to the next level. I’m giving you all of the details on all of them below.

Q&A About My Exercise Bike

How do you get a good workout on it? I prefer to use classes on the Peloton app ($15 a month), or free classes on YouTube like Gabriella Guevara‘s to keep on track with an instructor and do a really intense spin ride. Sometimes I freestyle and do intervals increasing resistance and speed then decreasing, but I love the virtual classes way more! Plus the Peloton App has thousands of on demand group spin classes in the comfort of your own home. Themed rides, rides by genre, and even Beyonce rides. I LOVE the 90s rides.

Does it take up a lot of room? The main reason I chose this bike in particular was because of the size. I live in a relatively small apartment and since it folds up I can tuck it behind my dining table or in my utility closet. I was not about to have a huge bike as an eyesore in my living room because ya know tiny apartment and big bike don’t really mix.

Can you get out of the saddle and ride on it? You can, and I do! At first it’s not as easy to do as the Peloton bike is and feels a little scary, but it totally works and can carry weight. Always have the resistance at 4+ when you get at of the saddle for stability though. I’d recommend raising the seat hire if you’re having any difficulty.

Does it work well with the Peloton App? Using this budget bike with the Peloton app is my favorite workout hack. I use the app on my TV, and go along with their cadence and resistance. To make sure I’m following the cadence of the instructor I just watch their legs and follow the rhythm. If they’re going very slowly up a hill and I am speedily going along that means I need to turn my knob to the right and make the resistance heavier. It’s super intuitive to get the hang of, trust me! If you’re worried about a budget-conscious bike not working with the Peloton app I would say let go of the worry, work out hard, get sweaty, and let your hard work make that worry slip away. If you’re still worried and can afford the Peloton bike, go for it! If you really want to check your cadence you could look into cadence sensors too. Lots of options.

How do I follow the classes on my bike? You can do the classes on your phone or smart TV. You can buy a phone mount to watch the classes on your handles, or just set up your bike in front of your TV.

Should I just get the Peloton bike? If you have $2,000 to spend on a bike, special shoes, a monthly subscription of $40, and space to fit the bike then go for it. But I wasn’t about to jump into such an expensive commitment when there are plenty of exercise bikes for sale for $200.

How do I convert Peloton resistance when using my own bike with the Peloton App? The resistance conversions aren’t exact, but Peloton’s are 20-100 and my bike is 2-9 so it’s pretty easy to keep on track on a 1:1 ratio. With the Peloton bike you would have the screen dials telling you the exact cadence and resistance, but you can catch on quickly after a few classes. I’ve compared my bike to an actual Peloton bike and it’s not that much different.

Do you need certain shoes? Nope! Just regular workout shoes will do. I recommend firmly placing them into the pedals so that you are steady and stable. If you really wanted to clip in cycling shoes you could probably hack your bike with pedals like these.

Is it easy to assemble? Definitely. It was heavy pulling the box into my apartment, and I put the pedals on upside down the first time (haha!), but I put it together in under 30 minutes and was off to the races!

Do you only ride the bike on the Peloton App? The Peloton app also has a ton of other classes which makes it well worth the price. I love to do a barre, yoga, or strength class right after I hop off the bike for a full workout. The classes really help keep me motivated!


Exerpeutic Folding Exercise Bike – Price: $220 – This is the bike I have. Probably the most affordable on the market and the smallest when it folds up. It has a battery operated screen that shows time, speed, and pulse.

YOSUDA Exercise Bike – Price: $320 – This one has an iPad mount, bottle holder, and an adjustable seat.

Sunny Health Bike – Price: $360 – A good, more similar to a spin class bike. Ideal if you’re not concerned about the space it takes up.

DMASUN Exercise Bike – Price: $350 – Another good, more similar to a spin class bike. Ideal if you’re not concerned about the space it takes up.

Peloton Bike – Price: $2,245 – The whole shebang if you have the budget for it. Has with a full screen to watch classes on, shoes clip in, and

Have any other questions? Feel free to shoot me a DM on Instagram. xoxo Erika

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