How To Make The Most Of The Holiday Season

I know the Christmas season can be pretty magical, but the holidays can also be super stressful. Between spending time with family, feeling like you have to drop major moohlah to make everyone happy, and rushing to get everything done. Here are some ways to make the most of it all!
Do All of the Festive Things
Instead of focusing solely on buying gifts make sure to spend some time enjoying the holiday season. Drink hot chocolate, go ice skating, stroll through the outdoor mall that has all of the magical decorations, and order a peppermint mocha latte. Enjoy the festivities while they last!
Give Yourself the Break You Deserve
You know that funky week between Christmas and New Years where you aren’t sure what to do with yourself? Take it all in, and give yourself the break you worked all year long for. Plan a bath, read a book. Whatever you want to do–schedule some “me” time.
Look After Yourself
What’s on YOUR wishlist? Give yourself a little something to splurge on. Maybe it’s a nice bath treat, maybe it’s a that special skincare product you’ve had your eye on. In the season of giving don’t forget about giving a lil something to yourself.
I hope these remind you to take it slow, and enjoy the holiday season this year! Love you all, happy holidays! xoxo Erika