My November To Do List
Ahh fall is here, and I’m so excited about it! In LA it doesn’t feel like fall until early November and I’m so excited to enjoy some cozy sweaters, hot chocolate, and lots of candles. A few things I have on my mind to do this month…
+ Do something festive. Make some cider, have a pumpkin spice something or other, see some pretty orange leaves on the ground. I want to do all of the seasonal things this month!
+ Head to Mexico for a little trip. I’m super excited to go to the Mexican Riviera this month, and I can’t wait to share it with you. I’ve got lots of travel guides come through about this trip!
+ Organize my closet. I’ve been on a 6-month long closet organization, and I can finally see the end of the tunnel so I want to finally finish that off this month! Fingers crossed… I have a feeling it might be a new years project at this point, hah!
+ Add some cozy things to my space. Furry throw blankets, grow my ever-expanding candle collection. I want to do all of the cozy things in my house right now. I’m all for the chill time at home this month!
Do you love this time of year as much as me? What’s on your November to do list! xoxo Erika